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Generativ kunstig intelligens er allerede en integreret del af de værktøjer, vi anvender på de videregående uddannelser og i gymnasierne. Fra æstetik og musik til matematik, dansk, jura og erhvervsøkonomi – AI-teknologier baner vejen for nye muligheder i undervisningen. Men de kan også udfordre os og kræver, at vi navigerer klogt.
Keynote 1. Dr. Leigh Ann DeLyser
Computing and generative AI in education – opportunities and challenges
Leigh Ann DeLyser, PhD, is a director of Center for Education Research & Innovation at the SRI Research Institute in Silicon Valley comprising more than 55 researchers. DeLyser was named as one of the Women Leading the AI Revolution in Education at the ASU+GSV Air Show in 2024. She received her PhD in computer science and cognitive psychology, with a focus on CS education, from Carnegie Mellon University. DeLyser has deep expertise in computer science (CS) and STEM education and has focused on broadening participation in those fields. DeLyser is also an experienced K–12 educator, professional development provider, community college researcher.
She uses mixed methods with rigorous statistical approaches to understand the impact of interventions, innovations, and collective community efforts aimed at improving access, equity, and quality of learning opportunities. As a former high school and university CS educator, she understands challenges teachers, administrators, and students face in developing their competency in the field and accessing high-quality learning opportunities and resources.
Her influential “Running on Empty” report has inspired policies and research that support broadening participation goals in STEM. Before joining SRI, DeLyser was the co-founder and executive director of CSforALL where she connected the national movement for CS education in order to advance the goals of high-quality CS education for all students.
Keynote 2: Dr. Aman Yadav, Michigan State University
Bridging the Gap: Integrating Computational Thinking into K-12 Education – Insights, Strategies, and Recommendations from U.S. Research and Practice
Dr. Aman Yadav is the Lappan-Phillips Professor of Computing Education in the College of Education and College of Natural Science at Michigan State University with extensive experience in research, evaluation, and teacher professional development. His research and teaching focus on supporting educators to understand, apply, and critically evaluate the use of computing in K-12 classrooms. He leads several projects that design, implement, and assess how professional learning experiences can support teachers to bring computational tools and practices to support their disciplinary teaching. His co-edited book, Computational Thinking in Education: A Pedagogical Perspective (Routledge, 2022) tackles how to integrate computational thinking, coding, and subject matter in relevant and meaningful ways.
Samarbejde med Danske Gymnasier, Danske Erhvervsskoler og Gymnasier og It-vest
Konferencen holdes i samarbejde mellem Videnscenter for Digital Teknologiforståelse, DG, DEG og It-vest – samarbejdende universiteter. Vi har et fælles fokus på at styrke elevers digitale kompetencer og at styrke en fælles teknologiforståelse i grundskole og gymnasier.
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Konferencen afholdes i Aulaen på Aarhus Universitet, Nordre Ringgade 4, 8000 Århus C, bygning 1412. Se universitetets vejvisning her.